Wednesday, February 7, 2018

What time is it?

Dear students,

We have learned how to tell time. Now you have to practice to make sure you understand and remember everything. Here is a post you have to read. There are some videos you have to watch. Please, do everything.


How do we tell time? First we have to learn how to ask the question about time. We usually ask: "What time is it?". Repeat this question many time until you remember the question. 

Now read about clocks, face, hand, hours and minutes.

Related image

First you have to remember how to tell time with no minutes, for example:


Now, please watch the video. Listen carefully and try to understand everything I've explained you. It's the same explanation. It's very easy - just watch, listen and repeat! 

Please, remember that in English 12:00 am (midnight) is different from 12:00 pm (noon).

12:00 AM (ante meridiem) - before the midday, before noon (12:00) or before lunch time. It means morning time.

If we go to bed at 10:00 at night on Monday, so at 12:00AM we all sleep, we are in bed, but it's not Monday any more. It's early morning or late night on Tuesday

Then we sleep until morning. It's still Tuesday. Some hardworking people wake up early - at 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning or 6:00 AM or 7:00 AM. some lazy people sleep until 11:00 in the morning, which is 11:00 AM. One hour later it is 12:00 PM or noon. Hardworking people who wake up early in the morning, have lunch.

12:00 PM (post meridiem)- after the midday, after noon or after lunch time. It means afternoon time.

This is how we tell time. Look carefully and learn. Click here if you want to see the bigger picture.

Now watch this video. I will teach you how to tell time.

Watch this video. It's very useful.

So, can you tell time now?! I hope so. To make sure you know how, please, practice a little. 

Click on the links and do exercises.

Have fun!